Black on chrome piston pump with #11 Marzocchi gear. Adex Super duty, 3/4" chrome fittings, polished stainless hardlines with Y block assembly
2 - Black on Chrome Street max pumps with #9 REDS Super gear. Delta dumps with polished candles, 1/2" chrome fittings, polished stainless hardlines
8" chrome cylinders w/fittings, 10" black cylinders with fittings, powerballs, deep cups, deep reverse cups, donuts
2- 15 ft. Hoses #6
1- 4 ft. Hose #6
1- 3 ft. Hose #6
9 way switch wire, 3 carling 3 prong switches, 1 6 prong carling switch, 4 hole switch panel for FBCC, 10 accumax solenoids w/connectors
3 Pump Piston Kit